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From the
An Annual Review of this nature should provide a measure of
reflection on the achievements of the past year. From the per-
spective of this office, particular highlights have included the
welcome creation of some new classrooms in Lloyds, the num-
ber of those offered places at Cambridge hitting double figures,
a meeting of the International Division of the Headmasters’ Con-
ference, the revival of the American Academy Games and, if I
may be permitted to mention it, a demonstration that English
School actors can, with consummate ease, craft rewarding en-
tertainment out of Shakespeare!
You will all have your own favourite moments from the past year
and I invite you to reflect on those as you leaf through these
Of course, one other memorable aspect of this year as far as
this writer is concerned is that it is a year of transition, from one
administration to another. My last year at the English School
seems to have come around all too quickly. Thus, I appear to be
writing words of farewell just as I finish the words of greeting!
Indeed, ending a term of office at a place like this is rather like
the last forty minutes or so of the third “Lord of the Rings” film
(what do you mean – you haven’t seen it??): just when you
think it’s all over, another farewell speech or statement seems
called for.
However, this task is not so very challenging: I send fond wishes
for future success to English school students, both to those leav-
ing and those remaining behind to complete their sentences. I
also send good wishes to students’ families – may your chil-
dren’s achievements continue to delight you and may you con-
tinue to offer unwavering love when things do not go quite their
way. If, in short, you can meet with triumph and disaster, and
treat these two impostors just the same…
Finally, I send my good wishes to the teaching and non-teaching
staff of the English school. Like all who work in schools, you are
under-appreciated. But not by me. I have thoroughly enjoyed
working with you all and will cherish the many ways you have
enriched my understanding. And, if I may be personal once
more, I thank you for the many kind ways you have helped me
and my family. One of my sons owes his university place, the
other his IGCSE results to you, the English School teachers.
These are gifts borne by Greek and Turkish speaking teachers of
which we do not need to beware. Gifts of learning last lifetimes
and the debt of gratitude may never be repaid.
My two favourite places in the English School are the faded
beauty of the sign on the Lloyds building and a quotation from
Alexander the Great about teachers that hangs outside the
staffroom. If you know what I’m talking about, you will get the
point. If not, make the discovery of those lines the next thing
you learn.
Take care of the school, everyone. Continue to make the Canon
Graham Gamble
Headmaster, The English School, Nicosia 2012-14
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